EU SME Centre: dogodki v juniju in juliju 2013
V organizaciji EU SME Centra bodo v mesecu juniju in juliju 2013 potekale naslednje aktivnosti in dogodki:
- Seminar: European SMEs in the Chinese clean energy market – Opportunities, challenges and strategies
- New online tool: Law database
- Interactive infographic: Importing olive oil to China
- EU SME Centre Southern Europe road show – Portugal and Italy
- Webinar: How to conduct successful due diligence for joint ventures and mergers & acquisitions in China?
- Seminar: Drafting contracts in China: Dos and don’ts to ensure smooth running for SMEs
- EU SME Centre at the European Pavilion at the Clean Energy Expo China 2013
Za dodatne informacije je kontaktna oseba:
Anne-Laure Maddy
Tel. +86 (0) 10 85275300 ext. 331
Fax + 86 (0) 10 85275093