Izobraževanje za managerje-kako poslovati na Japonskem in v Južni Koreji-vprašalnik

sreda, 24. avgust 2011
Evropska komisija želi skupaj s podjetjem Deloitte Consulting izvesti izobraževanje za evropske managerje o tem, kako uspešno poslovati na Japonskem in v Južni Koreji. Ker gre za 45 tedenski program želijo predhodno preveriti pri podjetjih interes za tovrstno izobraževanje, zato prosijo, da podjetja izpolnejo kratko anketo, ki je dosegljiva na https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ETP_survey. vsi rezultati ankete bodo zaupni in tako tudi obravnavani.

Več informacij

The European Commission has assigned Deloitte Consulting the implementation of the Executive Training Programme to Japan and Korea for the period 2011 to 2015. Deloitte Consulting will therefore assist the European Commission in implementing the Executive Training Programme for this period.
ETP is a 45-week training for EU executives, they learn to communicate in Japanese or Korean language, to appreciate the Japanese and Korean cultures and to successfully develop business (exports, investments, joint ventures). The Programme is split of a three-week inception module in London, followed by a thirty-week immersion module in Japan or Korea and a twelve-week internship.

An on-line consultation of potential interested companies, participants and organisation is a fundamental tool in gathering accurate impressions about trainings in order to adapt ETP to the real needs of the EU companies and to meet their expectations and their willingness regarding long-term training like ETP, and we would appreciate it if you could send the questionnaire available  at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ETP_survey to companies present in your databases which would be interested in new markets abroad, or which already have an activity on the international level. This should take them no more than 5 to 10 minutes. 
The results of this questionnaire will remain confidential, be used anonymously, and for the sole purpose of this evaluation. Only the aggregated results will be made available to the European Commission.
Should you have any questions or need support with regards to this questionnaire, do not hesitate to send an e-mail to Ana Gradinaru (agradinaru@etp.org).
Thierry Fournier
ETP Project Manager
European Commission
Service for Foreign Policy Instruments