EU SME Centre: Poslovne priložnosti na kitajskem trgu
EU SME Centre je objavil vrsto člankov, ki ponujajo vpogled v segmente kitajskega trga, omogočajo prepoznavanje poslovnih priložnosti in evropskim malim in srednjim podjetjem pomagajo s poslovnimi nasveti.
Vir: EU SME Centre

- China’s New Normal and Opportunities for European Small Businesses, (Chris Cheung, Centre Director)
- 'Made in China 2025' and What it Means for European SMEs (Dr Martina Gerst, Standards & Conformity Assessment Advisor)
- From Farm to Chopstick: Changes in China’s Food Safety Law (Dr Martina Gerst, Standards & Conformity Assessment Advisor)
- Changes in the Conditions for Accreditation of High-Tech Enterprises in China (Helen Ju, Senior Legal Consultant)
- Preparing for Trade Fairs in China: Before, During and After Event Tips
- Doing E-commerce in China: Advice and Best Practices
Vir: EU SME Centre