Sejmi na Češkem v letu 2025
BVV Trade Fairs Brno postaja eno od najpomembnejših regionalnih sejemskih središč. Organizira številne dobro obiskane mednarodne sejme, ki imajo tudi širši regionalni pomen (C in V Evropa, JV Balkan, Ukrajina).
Ob tem bi izpostavili predvsem ISET (Sejem obrambe in varnostne tehnologije) v maju, URBIS (The Smart Cities Meet-UP) v juniju ter največji sejem MVS (International Industrial Fair) v oktobru.

Sejmi na Češkem v letu 2025 | |
21.–23. februar | STYL 64th B2B Fashion Fair |
21.–23. februar | KABO 64th B2B Footwear and Leatherware Fair |
25.–27. februar | SALIMA Food Industry and Gastronomy Fair |
25.–27. februar | EmbaxPrint 32nd International Fair for Packaging and Printing |
6.–8. marec | PRODÍTĚ Sales Exhibition of Child Products |
7.–9. marec | OPTA 29th International Eye Optics, Optometry and Ophthalmology Fair |
26.–29. marec | Building Fair Brno Building Fair sočasno: DSB – Wooden House Exhibition Brno, Architecture Festival |
26.–29. marec | MOBITEX Furniture and Interior Design Fair |
2.–3. april | STAINLESS 12nd International Stainless Steel Fair |
25.–27. april | BRNO PATCHWORK MEETING 17th International Textile Exhibition |
27.–30. april | ANIMAL TECH International Fair for Animal Production |
27.–30. april | National Show of Livestock |
27.–30. april | National Gamekeeping Show |
17.–18. maj | MINERALS BRNO (spring) 50th International Sales Exhibition of Minerals, Fossils, Jewels and Natural Products |
28.–30. maj | IDET 18th International Defence and Security Technologies Fair |
28.–31. maj | PYROS International Fire Fighting Equipment and Services Fair |
28.–31. maj | ISET International Security Technology and Services Fair |
10.-12. junij | URBIS The Smart Cities Meetup |
15.–17. avgust | STYL 65th B2B Fashion Fair |
15.–17. avgust | KABO 65th B2B Footwear and Leatherware Fair |
7.–10. oktober | International Industrial Fair 66th International Industrial Fair sočasno: Transport & Logistics – International Fair for Transport and Logistics in ENVITECH – International Fair for Environmental Protection Technologies |
6.–9. november | Caravaning Brno 22nd International Caravan Show |
22.–23. november | MINERALS BRNO (autumn) 51st International Sales Exhibition of Minerals, Fossils, Jewels and Natural Products |
28.–30. november | Life! Festival of Sports, Dances and Entertainment |
11.–14. december | CHRISTMAS SHOPPING CENTER Christmas Market at the Brno Exhibition Centre |
Calender of Trade fairs 2025 (pdf)
Metka Urbas
Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije v Pragi
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Gospodarstvo ter možnost vstopa na češki trg
Češka obrambna industrija je dinamičen in hitro rastoč sektor